الشؤون الأكاديمية
Academic Affairs



كليات وأقسام الأكاديمية

كلية الدراسات العلمية
of Scientific Studies


برنامج الماجستير في تكنولوجيا المعلومات
Master Program in Information Technology

30 ساعة معتمدة + الرسالة (12 ساعة)

الخطة الدراسية
(الخطط الدراسية قابلة للتعديل في أي وقت حسب ما تقتضيه مصلحة الدراسة)


يجب على الباحث دراسة المساقات التالية و تعادل 30 ساعة دراسية معتمدة:

Web Technology


Managing an E-Business


Software Requirements Engineering


Information Management


Database Systems




Managing People and Technology


Integrating the Enterprise


Project and Change Management


IT Policy and Strategy


* بعد الانتهاء من دراسة تلك المساقات يبدأ الباحث بتقديم خطة رسالته استعداداً للبدء بإعدادها ، وتعادل الرسالة 12 ساعة معتمدة .
* يقدم الطالب تعييناته طبقاً لترتيب المواد في الخطة الدراسية السابقة ، ويمكن أحياناً الاتفاق مع الموجه الأكاديمي على خلاف ذلك.



وصف المساقـات
Course Description


1)       Web Technology:
The concepts, principles, issues and techniques for web technology. The main principles and protocols in internet, the key components in XHTML, JavaScript, PERL, CGI, Java Applets, XML. Web database applications using MySQL and PHP.

2)       Managing an E-Business:
This course examines the role of information systems (IS) in the operation of organizations and the integration of these organizations to customers and suppliers. Course content is focused on how today's business systems and technology make possible highly effective links between external environments and internal decision making and between key stakeholders. Topics include hardware, software, networks, system concepts, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (customer relationship management), SCM (supply chain management), the role of IS in strategy and business change initiatives, information economics and ethical issues in IS.

3)       Software Requirements Engineering:
An in-depth investigation of the requirement and specification phase of the software engineering process. Requirement determination, analysis and change techniques are presented. Requirement specification modeling with the aid of CASE tools. Software quality assurance issues, walkthroughs and inspections. Case studies are presented and analyzed.

4)       Information Management:
This course provides an understanding of the issues in managing database systems as an essential organizational resource. Students learn the enterprise data architecture components, data storage configurations, and information retrieval methods. It expands from the relational model to the multidimensional model, object-relational techniques, and web accessed data.

5)       Database Systems:
The Database Systems concentration prepares students for careers in database design, database administration, database application development, or database systems implementation.
Database design focuses on modeling some aspect of a physical or conceptual world that must be captured in a database as part of a larger application system.
Database administration (DBA) focuses on installation, operation, and maintenance of a database system and its applications on a day-by-day basis for an organization or company.
Database application development focuses on building complex application systems, including web-based applications that use a database at their core.
Database systems implementation focuses on creating the underlying database system itself and is most likely done with a career in a database vendor company.

6)       Networking:
The Computer Networking Concentration prepares students for careers in network design and planning, network monitoring and management, network application development, or network deployment and customization.
Network design and planning focuses on projecting the organization or company needs onto the structure and configuration of its network, including capacity, security and applications.
Network monitoring and management focuses on installation, operation, and maintenance of a network, including identifying and responding to the failures and attacks, on a day-by-day basis for an organization or company.
Network application development focuses on building complex distributed software systems that depend heavily in their execution on networking.

7)       Managing People and Technology:
The purpose of this course is to begin preparing students for line management positions in high tech and manufacturing companies. In this overview course, students will be introduced to the most important concepts and issues concerning the management and leadership of high technology staff. Subjects include high tech leadership, systems management and communication, change management, lean thinking, HR issues, e-commerce, supply chain management, ethics and persuasion.

8)       Integrating the Enterprise:
Information systems role in transforming organizations and industries. An integrated view of the organization from an external and internal perspective. IS's internal role in integrating the enterprise through a cohesive set of business processes and functional applications to meet business needs. Enterprise resource planning and enterprise functionality. Collaborative systems. Consideration of external relations with suppliers, outsourcers, and customers.

9)       Project and Change Management:
Managing projects within an organizational context, including the processes related to initiating, planning, executing, controlling, reporting, and closing a project. Project integration, scope, time, cost, quality control, and risk management. Managing the changes in organizations resulting from introducing or revising information systems. Identifying project champions, working with user teams, training, and documentation. The change management role of the IS specialist.

10)       IT Policy and Strategy:
The top management, strategic perspective for aligning competitive strategy, core competencies, and information systems. The development and implementation of policies and plans to achieve organizational goals. Defining the systems that support the operational, administrative, and strategic needs of the organization, its business units, and individual employees. Approaches to managing the information systems function in organizations, including examination of the dual challenges of effectively controlling the use of well-established information technologies, while experimenting with selected emerging technologies.


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